The Foundation Of The New Economic Order Has Been Laid

Jasper and Sardine

It’s good to be reminded once again about where we are now and to where we are all going.
This current path that major parts of the world especially Asia are now navigating is one of economic and technological cooperation anchored on mutual respect and shared optimism for humanity’s future.
The blueprint for the massive infrastructure development has been in the works for sometime and its implementation is long overdue. The majority are becoming more impatient, hence the accelerated administrative ceremonies are to be concluded soon.

The Foundation Stone Has Been Laid
for a New World Economic Order


Here is Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s keynote address (delivered electronically) to a seminar sponsored by Executive Intelligence Review, in New York City, April 16, 2015.
[PDF version of this transcript]
Hello. I greet you.
Let me first express that I really would have liked much, much better to talk to…

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