Saturday Movie Matinee: Megyn Kelly UNLOADS on Obama and sanctuary cities!

Nice Deb

Megyn Kelly UNLOADS on Obama and sanctuary cities!:

Megyn Kelly was absolutely incensed at the non response from the White House on their past defense of sanctuary cities in light of the awful murder in San Francisco. The lovely and brilliant Dana Perino contrasted the actions of this lawless administration with that of George W. Bush, where they had to legally defend laws that Clinton had passed previously.

Megyn Kelly Goes There: Why Is Obama Ignoring Murder Of Katie Steinle?

Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple accused Megyn Kelly of “crossing a line” on her Fox show, The Kelly File, Thursday night because she had the audacity to ask a question a lot of Americans are thinking.

Why doesn’t the president give Katie Steinle, the woman killed by an illegal immigrant in San Francisco, the same attention he gave to cases involving Freddie Brown, Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin?


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